Thursday, January 23, 2014

50+, 25-30, 15-20, 5-10, 6 or less. (Words that is.)

    We thought,"what the hell," and went up to the cabin anyway despite it being January and the place having no heat and Leah's mom telling us the pipes would be frozen because her deadbeat dad had been too "toasted" to maintain it like he should have-- we took the Jeep.
    On the way we discussed the temperature and how we're all gonna be fucked when the last glacier melts and all the nut job East and West coast livers invade Minnesota 'cause their villas are flooded.
    We four by foured it up the driveway, unloaded, and when we stopped moving realized as the sweat on our necks began to freeze, that coming may not have been the best idea.
    Leah suggested cooking might warm us-- especially cooking with booze, so she did.
    Coriander and rosemary chicken, side of whiskey. 

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